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Threats to the park

Woollahra Council  is pressing ahead with installing metal bollards along the heritage Bi-Centennial Coastal Cliff Walk contrary to the  Recommended Management for the Bi-Centennial Coastal Cliff Walk.

They are working from The Gap southward to Christison Park.  
As of today they have installed the metal bollards through Gap Park and Signal Hill Reserve up to Lighthouse Reserve.  
It looks light they might reach Christison Park in the next few days.

Bollards along the Coastal Cliff Walk

Bi-Centenial Walk Bollards 001.jpg

The metal bollards are not only contrary to the Recommendation Management of the Bi- Centennial Coastal Cliff Walk but adversely effect the whole environment, including  Macquarie Lighthouse, Signal Station and world class views of the entrance to the harbour, the harbour and the ocean. 

There was no appropriate community consultation.  Adverts in the park were over Christmas, when many local residents and park users were away.
As far as we know here was no letter box drop to local residents. If you received a letter box drop would you please let us know.

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